With 360 media becoming more accessible and popular on more platforms, Mark Zuckerberg explains to process and challenges of working in 360 spherical imagery.
I found this interesting. It’s a basic technical description of how we stitch together virtual reality and 360 videos efficiently enough to stream live on your phone.Video is growing quickly on Facebook. In the last year, people went from watching 1 billion video views each day to now more than 8 billion. We’re constantly focused on ways to improve this experience and add new experiences like virtual reality and 360 videos.Virtual reality and 360 videos create lots of new challenges. We need to stitch together views from multiple cameras into a single continuous view that you can look around in wherever you want. Then, we need to find a way to make it efficient enough to stream every perspective the person might want to see simultaneously over a normal mobile connection.If you’re interested in how we solve these problems, check out this video using an example of Blue Angels footage taken by USA Today.
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, January 21, 2016
I found this interesting. It's a basic technical description of how we stitch together virtual reality and 360 videos…
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, January 21, 2016